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About Your CAMHS

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Black Country Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)




  Welcome to Wolverhampton CAMHS!




Who are we?:


At Wolverhampton CAMHS, we have 4 teams

  • The Child and Family Service (0-18 core CAMHS Team) 
  • Inspire (0-18 Learning Disability CAMHS Team) 
  • CAMHS Crisis Intervention and Home Treatment Team (CIHTT) 

Click below to read more about each team.

Wolverhampton CAMHS is based at The Gem Centre. You can take a virtual tour of The Gem Centre here: i360uk.com/hosting/nhs/gemcentre/tour.html

You can access the Wolverhampton CAMHS Service Leaflet here: Wolverhampton_CAMHS_CAMHS_Service_Leaflet_PDF.pdf

You can download our Wolverhampton CAMHS Information Leaflet here: Wolverhampton_CAMHS_Useful_Information_Leaflet_V1_Nov_2023_PDF.pdf


Wolverhampton Child and Family Service


A bit about us:

The Child and Family Service is a service with lots of different professionals, who assess, diagnose, and provide treatment for any child or adolescent 0-18 years of age, who are experiencing complex, severe or enduring mental health difficulties.

We’ve got a large team of different professionals here to help you. They include Nurses, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Psychotherapists and Family Therapists.

How do we help?:

The Child and Family Service promotes a strength based approach to assessment and treatment, and recognises the importance of positive mental health of children, adolescents and their families.

The team has many different ideas, and methods to help you through your difficult times. There is a broad range of help available to meet your level of need. We all aim to work in a culturally sensitive manner. Life is full of ups and downs. At times, we all struggle to cope with what life throws at us.

The help we offer is based on listening to children, young people and their families or carers, and talking about what the problem might be. In our experience, most people have skills and abilities they do not recognise. By thinking and talking together, new solutions can be explored, and changes made. All referrals and discussions are treated as confidential. Very occasionally, if you or someone else is at risk, we may need to inform other professionals, but we will discuss this with you at the time.


Inspire Service 


A bit about us:

At Inspire, we provide specialist support and advice to children and young people with learning disabilities, up to 18 years old, who are registered with a Wolverhampton GP, and to the people who support them.  We work closely with other services and professionals involved in supporting children with a learning disability.

Inspire is a multi-professional team consisting of: Community Nurses, Clinical Psychologists, Early Years Practitioners, Occupational Therapists.

How do we help?: 

We help children and young people with a learning disability:

  • who feel sad or upset or unhappy. 
  • who sometimes get very angry. 
  • who sometimes have difficult thoughts that are hard to ignore or that make them feel unhappy or scared. 
  • to learn how to get on with other people. 

We also help other people who look after children and young people with a learning disability – such as family, carers and other professionals.

If we are not able to help then we will put you in touch with other services that can.


Under 5's Service:


The CAMHS Black Country Under 5s Service offers specialist treatment to parents aimed at improving the wellbeing of children under five years old.

All sorts of things can affect parents’ relationship with their child, from a complicated pregnancy or difficult birth, or family relationships to changes at home.

Many children will have difficulties as part of ordinary development, but if problems start to take over everyday life, or parents feel they are not enjoying parenting, or struggling to parent their child, then they may find it helpful to speak to someone from the Under 5s service.

The team consists of child and adolescent psychotherapists and other Under 5s CAMHS professionals who meet with families in their local CAMHS clinic.  

We can offer joint sessions with parents and their baby or child together to support their relationships, help parents understand how the world appears from their child’s perspective, or address any other concerns parents may have.

The CAMHS Under 5s is not a diagnostic service, nor do we offer behavioural management or parenting training. If the primary concern is about neurodevelopmental, a referral should be made to Child Development Centre.

  CAMHS Under 5s Leaflet 2024


Wolverhampton CAMHS Crisis Intervention & Home Treatment Team (CIHTT) 


Who is our service for?:

The Wolverhampton Crisis Intervention & Home Treatment Team, aims to provide a timely service, able to respond both quickly and intensively to children, young people and their families and/or carers. The service is for Children and young people up to age 18 years.

This means that we offer specialist services to those children and young people whose mental health is having an impact on their daily functioning, (usually due to risk and / or severity of mental illness), and who require urgent intervention to help support the child or young person when experiencing mental health crisis. We operate 7 days a week, 08:00-20:00 hours, 365 days a year. The overall aim of the team is to reduce the frequency of admissions into a Child and Adolescent Inpatient Unit, keeping children and young people at home with their families, where they are able to receive a specialist intensive CAMHS support.

Confidentiality: The team will keep your details about your care confidential but do have a duty to share information related to your care with the CAMHS or CAMHS crisis team working with you and with your GP practice. Sometimes it is also helpful to speak to and share information with others involved such as school, another health worker or a social worker and we will always ask for your consent before sharing information with other agencies outside the NHS, unless there is a concern of risk of harm to yourself or others.

  • Concerns or Complaints: We aim to offer a quality service always. If you do need to raise a concern or wish to make a complaint about the care or treatment you have received from our service then please speak to a member of the team, the CAMHS CIHTT Service Manager or contact or Service Experience Desk on 0800 587 7720 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


How do we help?:

The Crisis Intervention & Home Treatment Team responds to referrals received from The Royal Wolverhampton Trust, New Cross hospital, offering mental health assessments to children and young people who have been admitted following an act of self-harm, or who are presenting with significant mental health concerns.  In addition the team offers Crisis Intervention & Home Treatment to children and young people who are already open to the CAMHS service but require an additional level of support. CIHTT also respond to urgent or emergency referrals from other professional agencies such as Police, local Authority, GP’s or other Education or Health services where there is a clearly identified concern regarding acute mental illness or a high level of risk.

Interventions are tailored to meet your specific needs and will be evidence based interventions and will be agreed with you following the initial assessment. At the initial assessment you will be able to speak to a CAMHS crisis clinician alone and with your family member/carer. At the end of the initial assessment, together we will agree a plan and talk about next steps. It may be necessary to arrange a further appointment to complete the assessment and consider the right pathway for you. After agreeing an initial plan of care with you which will include taking about any risks to you, we will give you a written copy of this which will be reviewed regularly. We will also send of copy of the agreed plan to your GP and the person who referred you to our service. Part of the initial assessment will be considering if a referral to another team or service is the most helpful for you at this time, or to discuss what is available across the whole of CAMHS which includes emotional health/wellbeing and mental health pathways.

What about carers and families?: 

The CAMHS Crisis and Home Treatment team works with the family as a whole and will also provide support to families/carers. Once you are working with a team within CAMHS we can also signpost or refer you to the Trust Carers Service.

Who can refer into our service?: 

Crisis Intervention & Home Treatment Team accepts referrals from all professional agencies but is not able to take self-referral from families at present. Speak to your GP, teacher or other health worker or social worker about a referral to us. Referrals can be made through the CAMHS Single Point of Access between 09:00-17:00 hours on 01902 444021 or between 17:00 – 20:00 hours on 07900226390.

Address: Gem Centre, Neachells Lane, Wolverhampton WV11 3PG

What to do in an emergency: 

If your child’s life or the life of another child is in immediate risk or danger call 999.

If it’s not a 999 emergency you can call 111.

If the emergency is related to a young person’s mental health then the CAMHS Crisis team can be contacted 08:00-20:00 hours on 07900226390.

You can access the NHS 24/7 Mental Health Helpline by telephoning 111 (option 2)

Useful Resources and Help lines: 

  • NHS 24/7 Mental Health Helpline: 111 (option 2) 
  • Young Minds: 02073 368 445 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
  • Samaritans: 08457 909 090 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
  • MIND Information Line: 08457 660 163 (self-help books are also available) 
  • Youth Access: 02087 729 900 
  • BEAT: 08088010677 or www.beateatingdisorders.org.uk 

Referral Forms:




Wolverhampton CAMHS would love to hear your feedback!:


We would like to hear about your recent experience of our services. To access an online feedback form please scan the QR code (below) via your mobile phone.

Service Desk QR Code

If you would prefer to speak to someone about your experience, or receive a paper form to complete, please get in touch with our Service Experience Desk on 0800 587 7720 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


You can also provide feedback via our CAMHS Feedback form, available on this website. Visit the link to share your thoughts, feelings or experiences on your recent visit to CAMHS: https://www.blackcountrychildrens.nhs.uk/camhs/contact-us/your-ideas-and-feedback 




Wysa is a wellbeing AI app, free to download on Google and Apple Stores.

Young people from Wolverhampton can download the app using the QR code below and enter the code BCWO2023 for free premium access. (Some smartphones may automatically apply the premium access code after the QR is scanned)

 WYSA QR Code Wolverhampton

Wysa can help with feelings of low mood, stress and anxiety.


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