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Support Whilst Waiting for CAMHS



There are lots of teams and organisations out there which may be helpful for you and your family. We acknowledge that help may be needed whilst you are waiting to be assessed by CAMHS. You might find the below information helpful:




24/7 Mental Health Helpline:

Telephone NHS 1 1 1, selecting the Mental Health Helpline on option 2.



Childline Website (link)   ChildLine provides support by telephone, online chat and email. ChildLine can provide a BSL interpreter if you are deaf or hearing-impaired. Telephone Number: 0800 1 1 1 1.


The Mix: 

The Mix Website (link)  The Mix offers one to one confidential support, 24 hours 7 days a week, for young people under the age of 25 years. You can contact The Mix by texting  THE MIX to 85258.



N S P C C Website (link) National Helpline to report child abuse. Contact the NSPCC Helpline by telephoning 0808 800 5000, (10am - 6pm Monday to Friday), you can also contact the NSPCC via email, by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


Papyrus (Hope line UK): 

Papyrus Website (link)  Papyrus offers a confidential support service, if you are struggling with suicidal thoughts, and information about how to make a safety plan. Papyrus (Hope line UK) is available 24/7. Telephone: 0800 068 4141 or 07860 039 967 .



Samaritans Website (link) The Samaritans listening service is a confidential service, available 24 hours, 7 days a week. Telephone: 116 123, or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

The Local Offer



Dudley Local Offer Website : Dudley's Local Offer is a one stop resource of information and services, available to children and young people, (aged 0-25) with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND), their parents, carers and families.


Sandwell Local Offer Website : Sandwell Local Authority has produced, as required by law, a 'Local Offer' which sets out the support they expect to be available, for children and young people in Sandwell with special educational needs and disabilities.


Walsall Local Offer Website :  Walsall's Local Offer is a directory of information and services available, to children and young people, (aged 0-25) with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND), their parents, carers and families.


Wolverhampton Local Offer Website :  Wolverhampton's Local Offer is the essential guide for children and young people with Special Educational Needs, (aged 0-25 years) living in Wolverhampton.







Wysa can help young people with feelings of low mood, stress, anxiety and much more. Young people waiting for CAMHS may find the support from WYSA helpful whilst waiting for an assessment/appointment.

Wysa is a wellbeing AI app, free to download on Google and Apple Stores. Young people from the Black Country can download the app using the QR code below, (for the area they live in) for free premium access.

Some smartphones may automatically apply the premium access code (after the QR is scanned).

Below you will find a section for each locality, and the unique code to enter to access premium content for free. Please ensure you use the right code for where you live.


Dudley Wysa:


Dudley WYSA QR code   

   Scan the QR code and enter the code BCDU2023 for free premium access.



If you are accessing this site via your mobile, click on the link below – this will take you directly to the app store for your device to allow you to download the app.

If you are accessing this site on a laptop or desktop, please scan the QR code with your phone to allow you to download the app from the relevant store.

Wysa Apple Store / Wysa Google Play .


Sandwell Wysa:


Sandwell WYSA QR code   

   Scan the QR code and enter the code BCSA2023 for free premium access.



If you are accessing this site via your mobile, click on the link below – this will take you directly to the app store for your device to allow you to download the app.

If you are accessing this site on a laptop or desktop, please scan the QR code with your phone to allow you to download the app from the relevant store.

Wysa Apple Store / Wysa Google Play .


Walsall Wysa:


Walsall WYSA QR code   

   Scan the QR code and enter the code BCWA2023 for free premium access.



If you are accessing this site via your mobile, click on the link below – this will take you directly to the app store for your device to allow you to download the app.

If you are accessing this site on a laptop or desktop, please scan the QR code with your phone to allow you to download the app from the relevant store.

Wysa Apple Store / Wysa Google Play .


Wolverhampton Wysa:


Wolverhampton WYSA QR code   

   Scan the QR code and enter the code BCWO2023 for free premium access.



If you are accessing this site via your mobile, click on the link below– this will take you directly to the app store for your device to allow you to download the app.

If you are accessing this site on a laptop or desktop, please scan the QR code with your phone to allow you to download the app from the relevant store.

Wysa Apple Store / Wysa Google Play .


For more helpful apps, visit our Useful App section: Useful Apps .




ADHD Foundation Website (link) The ADHD Foundation is the UK’s leading neurodiversity charity, offering a strength-based, lifespan service for the 1 in 5 of us who live with ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, DCD, Dyscalculia, OCD, Tourette’s Syndrome and more. On the ADHD Foundation website you will find lots of helpful resources, webinars and events.



Anxiety UK Website (link)   Anxiety UK delivers a wide range of services including: Therapy services, Helpline & text support service, Courses & groups, Anxiety research fund, Webinars and podcasts and Anxious Times magazine


Autism Spectrum Conditions:  

Autism West Midlands Website (link)   Autism West Midlands works to enrich the lives of autistic people living in the West Midlands. They provide community support services, residential support, training and an information healp line. The helpline can be accessed by telephoning 0121 450 7575, or emailing Autism West Midlands.

National Autistic Society resources: Link for National Autistic Society Resources



Hope Again Website (link)  Hope Again is the youth website of Cruse Bereavement Support. It is a safe place where you can learn from other young people, how to cope with grief, and feel less alone. Hope Again offers information about services, a listening ear from other young people and advice for any young person dealing with the loss of a loved one.


Care Leavers and Young People in Care:

Become Charity Website (link)  Become is a UK charity for children and young people in care and care leavers. Become offers support through the Care Advice Line, which can be contacted via telephone - 0800 023 2033 (Monday to Friday 10am to 5pm), or via Whatsapp - 0786 003 4982. Become also offers coaching, link up groups and additional information on higher education and employment.


Challenging Behaviour:

Positive Behavioural Support information (BILD website): B I L D Charity Website (link)

Challenging Behaviour Foundation: Challenging Behaviour Foundation Website (link)


Depression and Low Mood:

Campaign Against Living Miserably C A L M Website (link)  C.A.L.M campaigns for suicide prevention, for better mental health and postivite mental wellbeing. You can access advice and guidance on the C.A.L.M website, or reach out to their helpline by telephoning 0800 58 58 58 (5pm - midnight), or by using the webchat function from their website.


Eating Disorders:

Beat Eating Disorder Charity Website (link)  BEAT is a UK charity offering support, advice and guidance for Eating Disorders. 


Mental Health and Wellbeing:



Kooth Website (link)  Kooth is an online platform to help young people with their mental health and wellbeing. Young people can anonymously talk to other young people their own age on moderated discussion forums, and chat to mental health professionals via messaging. Kooth is an accredited digital health service, providing free services through the NHS.



Young Minds Website (link)  Young Minds offers support and guidance for parents/carers and children/young people - to ensure systems meet the needs of children and young people. Parents/carers, young people and professionals can access resources online, or support is available via the Parents Helpline Tel: 0808 802 5544 (Monday - Friday 9:30am - 4:00pm). 


Anna Freud:

Anna Freud Youth Wellbeing Directory: Anna Freud Website (link)


Mental Health Foundation:

Mental Health Foundation – Good Mental Health for All: Mental Health Foundation Website (link)


A wider directory of support, including information on welfare is available here: CAMHS Website Support Service Directory (link)



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