Support Service A-Z:
We know how overwhemling it can be, trying to find support for you, your young person(s) and family.
Our A-Z Support Service Directory contains lots of helpful organisations to help with queries around specific health conditions, rights, welfare, accessible groups/activities and so much more.
You can also view information on the Local Offer (for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs) under 'L' for Local Offer.
Act for Children:
Action For Children | Children's charity | For safe and happy childhoods Action for Children protect and support children and young people. They do this by providing practical and emotional care and support, making sure their voices are heard.
ADHD Foundation:
Home - ADHD Foundation : ADHD Foundation The ADHD Foundation is the UK’s leading neurodiversity charity, offering a strength-based, lifespan service for the 1 in 5 of us who live with ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, DCD, Dyscalculia, OCD, Tourette’s Syndrome and more. On the ADHD Foundation website you will find lots of helpful resources, webinars and events.
Alumina | Selfharm Alumnia offers online self-harm support for young people aged between 10 - 17 years.
Anna Freud
Anna Freud | Anna Freud Anna Freud work in collaboration with children and young people, their families and communities and mental health professionals to transform children and families' mental health. Online you will find a vast variety of mental health resources.
Anxiety UK
National charity helping people with Anxiety - Anxiety UK Anxiety UK delivers a wide range of services including: Therapy services, Helpline & text support service, Courses & groups, Anxiety research fund, Webinars and podcasts and Anxious Times magazine
Autism West Midlands
Autism West Midlands | Supporting the Autistic Community Autism West Midlands works to enrich the lives of autistic people living in the West Midlands. They provide community support services, residential support, training and an information healp line. The helpline can be accessed by telephoning 0121 450 7575, or emailing Autsim West Midlands at
Barnardo's | Children's charity | Barnardo's ( Barnardos offers support and guidance to children, young people, parents and carers.
Base 25
Base 25 – Supporting young people in Wolverhampton Base 25 supports children and young people from the Wolverhampton and surrounding areas, providing information and support on mental health and wellbeing.
HOME | Bayo Bayo is a space to find collectives, organisations and services from across the UK – run by and for the Black community – to support our mental health and wellbeing.
The UK's Eating Disorder Charity - Beat ( BEAT is a UK charity offering support, advice and guidance for Eating Disorders.
Home Page - Become ( Become is a UK charity for children and young people in care and care leavers. Become offers support through the Care Advice Line, which can be contacted via telephone - 0800 023 2033 (Monday to Friday 10am to 5pm), or via Whatsapp - 0786 003 4982. Become also offers coaching, link up groups and additional information on higher education and employment.
Be Head Strong
Real Life and Real Faith in the Real World | Headstrong ( Be Head Strong is a mental wellbeing project for young people. Visit the website to find lots of helpful mental health information, developed by young people and in collaboration with Alumnia.
Bipolar UK
Bipolar UK National UK Charity Bipolar UK is a national charity offering support and guidance for anyone seeking information on Bipolar Disorder. The charity offers online resources, webinars, conferences and much more. Bipolar UK also offers a peer support helpline, you can telephone 0333 323 3880 to leave a message, and a peer support worker will contact you to arrange a time to talk.
BPD World
Welcome to BPDWORLD BPD World offers an online community forum and articles on a range of topics relevant to Borderline Personality Disorder.
Sexual Health & Wellbeing - Brook – Fighting for healthy lives Brook are a UK organisation operating a number of sexual health and wellbeing services across the UK. Brook is committed to supporting everyone with their sexual health. Some of their services are specifically for young people but they also have services for all ages too.
Campaign Against Living Miserably (C.A.L.M):
Homepage | Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) ( C.A.L.M campaigns for suicide prevention, for better mental health and postivite mental wellbeing. You can access advice and guidance on the C.A.L.M website, or reach out to their helpline by telephoning 0800 58 58 58 (5pm - midnight), or by using the webchat function from their website.
Care For The Family:
Home - Care for the Family Care for the family is a UK organisation aiming to offer support and advice to families across a range of different topics.
Carers Trust:
Home - Carers Trust The Carers Trust is the UK's largest carers network. Partnerships within Carers Trust aim to promote the wellbeing of unpaid carers across the UK.
Ending youth homelessness | Centrepoint Centrepoint is a UK charity aiming to end youth homelessness. Centrepoint can be contacted for advice and support on homelessness or homelessness concerns - including care leavers, advice on rough sleeping, advice for pregnant persons with homelessness, and financial advice. You can contact the Centrepoint helpline on 0808 800 0661
CEOP Safety Centre The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Agency provides a range of information about keeping young people safe from sexual exploitation and harm. You can make a report by following the instructions on the CEOP Reporting Webpage - Report to CEOP
Cerebra - Working with you and your amazing child Cerebra offers advice and support for children, young people and families on a range of topics including: education, legal/social and financial matters, physical wellbeing and emotional and mental health. Cerebra can also be contacted by telephoning 01267 244 200
Childline | Childline ChildLine provides support by telephone, online chat and email. ChildLine can provide a BSL interpreter if you are deaf or hearing-impaired. Tel: 0800 11 11
Childrens Safeguarding Team - Dudley:
Home - Dudley Safeguarding Children Dudley Safeguarding Children Team provides helpful information and advice online for safeguarding children and young people. Safeguarding concerns can be reported during office hours Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, by calling children's services on 0300 555 0050. Select option 3. For out of office hours, contact the Emergency Duty Team on 0300 555 8574. In an emergency call 999
Childrens Safeguarding Team - Sandwell:
Home - Sandwell CSP Are you concerned about a vulnerable child in Sandwell? If you are in any doubt, don’t delay – call 0121 569 3100 or in an emergency dial 999
Childrens Safeguarding Team - Walsall:
Walsall Family Safeguarding | Walsall Council The Walsall Family Safeguarding Team can be contacted during office hours (Monday – Thursday, 8.45am – 5.15pm Friday, 8.45am – 4.45pm) by calling the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub on 0300 555 2866, or out of office hours (evenings, weekends and bank holidays) by calling the Emergency Response Team on 0300 555 2922
Childrens Safeguarding Team - Wolverhampton:
Safeguarding Children & Young People - Wolverhampton Safeguarding Together Wolverhampton Safeguarding Together offers safeguarding advice and guidance for children, young people, parents, carers and professionals. You can also contact the team to report a safeguarding concern by telephoning 01902 555392 (8.30am - 4.30pm Monday to Friday), or by contacting the out of hours report line on 01902 552999
Childrens Society Young Carers:
Our Campaigns | The Children's Society ( The Childrens Society campaigns alongside young people so they can overcome the toughest challenges of modern life and face their futures with hope and confidence. They fighting so young people can get mental health advice when they need it. So that families are properly protected through the cost of living crisis, and so that child refugees arriving in the UK alone have a trusted adult looking out for them.
Citizens Advice Bureau:
Contact: the charity for families with disabled children Contact believes that with the right support, families with disabled children can overcome the challenges they face. They can take control of their futures, and they can focus on what matters: being together and growing together.
Connexions (Dudley):
Welcome to Connexions Dudley Connexions is an Information, Advice and Guidance Service for Young People aged between 13 years to 19 years (or up to 25 years where young person has an EHCP)
Connexions (Sandwell):
Homepage - Connexions Sandwell Connexions is an Information, Advice and Guidance Service for Young People aged between 13 years to 19 years (or up to 25 years where young person has an EHCP)
Connexions (Walsall):
Walsall Children's Services Directory events, activities places to visit lcaol services LOL CAF Connexions is an Information, Advice and Guidance Service for Young People aged between 13 years to 19 years (or up to 25 years where the young person has an EHCP)
Connexions (Wolverhampton):
Connexions Wolverhampton | Wolverhampton Information Network Connexions is an Information, Advice and Guidance Service for Young People aged between 13 years to 19 years (or up to 25 years where young person has an EHCP)
Coram Voice:
Coram Voice | Our work & impact : Coram Group Coram Voice is a leading children’s rights organisation championing the rights of children and young people. They work to get young voices heard in decisions that matter to them and improve the lives of children in care, care leavers and others who depend upon the help of the state.
Cranstoun Here 4 YOUth
Dudley, Here4YOUth - Cranstoun Here4YOUth provides a safe space for children & young people to talk about and receive support for alcohol and other drugs and connect to health & wellbeing interventions.
Cruise Bereavement
Home - Cruse Bereavement Support Cruise Bereavement helps people through one of the most painful times in life – with bereavement support, information and campaigning.
Welcome | Our Guide To, Comprehensive advice The DECCA (Drug Education, Counselling and Confidential Advice) Team are Sandwell’s young people's alcohol, drug and tobacco service. The team work with any young person that lives in the Sandwell area aged 18 or under and also works any agency that work with them.
Dudley Centre for Equality and Diversity:
Cfed | Centre For Equality & Diversity | Based In Dudley CFED (Dudley Centre for Equality and Diversity) offers support to service users in the community with any issues that they can help with through providing information and signposting to the correct organisations and projects.
Dudley Talking Therapy:
Dudley Talking Therapies Service :: Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Dudley Talking Therapy accepts referrals from individuals who are school leavers aged 16 years and over and registered with a GP in the Dudley borough.
Dystonia Society:
Dystonia UK Dystonia UK is the only UK national charity dedicated to helping people living with dystonia.
Early Help Service - Dudley:
Early help for children and families | Dudley Council Early help is a way of getting extra support when your family needs it, but getting it as soon as difficulties start, rather than waiting until things get worse. It’s for children and young people of any age. Early Help provides families with support from relevant organisations, who will work together to make sure the correct level of help is made available for the difficulties being faced.
Early Help Service - Sandwell:
Early Help Assessment (EHA) | Early Help | Sandwell Council Early help is a way of getting extra support when your family needs it, but getting it as soon as difficulties start, rather than waiting until things get worse. It’s for children and young people of any age. Early Help provides families with support from relevant organisations, who will work together to make sure the correct level of help is made available for the difficulties being faced.
Early Help Service - Walsall:
Early Help | Walsall Council Early help is a way of getting extra support when your family needs it, but getting it as soon as difficulties start, rather than waiting until things get worse. It’s for children and young people of any age. Early Help provides families with support from relevant organisations, who will work together to make sure the correct level of help is made available for the difficulties being faced.
Early Help Service - Wolverhampton:
Early Help - Wolverhampton Safeguarding Together
Early help is a way of getting extra support when your family needs it, but getting it as soon as difficulties start, rather than waiting until things get worse. It’s for children and young people of any age. Early Help provides families with support from relevant organisations, who will work together to make sure the correct level of help is made available for the difficulties being faced.
Engage Youth Empowerment Services:
Young People | Engage Youth Empowerment Services (eyes) | England ( Engage Youth Empowerment Services
(EYES) is a collaborative grassroots organisation with charity status, based in Wolverhampton. EYES deliver bespoke prevention and intervention projects and services for young people who are vulnerable, at risk or caught up in the criminal justice system.
Home - ERIC ERIC, The Children’s Bowel & Bladder Charity is the UK’s leading charity supporting all children and teenagers with a bowel or bladder problem. ERIC offers a variety of services, including: free advice helpline, online information and resources, events for families, training for early years and NHS, selling products for managing continence conditions.
Every Mind Matters (NHS):
Every Mind Matters - NHS ( The NHS Every Mind Matters website offers helpful tips for managing sleep and anxiety, you can also access the free 'Mind Plan' quiz and self help CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) tips.
Family Hubs - Dudley:
Family hubs | Dudley Council Local Family Hubs provide information and advice for families. The local family hubs are located at Brierley Hill, Coseley, Dudley, Lye and Stourbridge.
Family Hubs - Sandwell:
Family Services, Support and Help | Sandwell Family Hubs Local Family Hubs provide information and advice for families. Sandwell residents can contact the Family Hub Office by emailing
Family Hubs - Walsall:
Home :: Walsall Together Family Hub ( Local Family Hubs provide information and advice for families. Family Hubs are located across the City of Walsall in WS2, WS3, WS10, WS4, WS8 and WV14
Family Hubs - Wolverhampton:
Family Hubs | City Of Wolverhampton Council Local Family Hubs provide information and advice for families. Family Hubs are located across the City of Wolverhampton in WV3, WV11, WV8, WV1, WV2, WV10, and WV13
Honest information about drugs | FRANK ( Frank offers a 24/7 telephone helpline, text message and email service to offer support and guidance to anyone requiring free drug/addiction advice.
Forced Marriage Helpline:
Forced marriage - GOV.UK ( The Forced Marriage Unit (FMU) is a joint Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and Home Office unit which leads on the government’s forced marriage policy, outreach and casework. It operates both inside the UK (where support is provided to any individual) and overseas (where consular assistance is provided to British nationals, including dual nationals). The FMU operates a public helpline to provide advice and support to: victims and potential victims of forced marriage and also professionals dealing with cases
Galop - the LGBT+ anti-abuse charity Galop provides helplines and other support for LGBT+ adults and young people who have experienced hate crime, sexual violence or domestic abuse. Galop has a variety of helplines you can contact: 0207 704 2040 (LGBT+ hate crime helpline), 0800 999 5428 (LGBT+ domestic abuse helpline), 0800 130 3335 (Conversion therapy helpline)
Home | Gingerbread Gingerbread offers advice and support services to help single parents access the help they need. Gingerbread offers online forums, local and digital parent support groups, information online, webchat and a telephone support line.
Happier Minds:
Happier Minds - Mental Wellbeing For Young Persons In Dudley Dudley's Happier Minds offers a directory of support and advice available locally and nationally for children, young people, families and professionals.
The Haven (Wolverhampton):
The Haven Wolverhampton | Domestic Abuse Help ( The Haven supports women and children who are vulnerable to domestic violence, abuse, and homelessness by providing safe, emergency accommodation and community-based support services.
Mental Health Medication - Headmeds HeadMeds gives young people in the United Kingdom general information about medication. The website does not offer advice, but offers information.
Heads Together:
About | Heads Together Heads Together is a mental health initiative spearheaded by The Royal Foundation of The Prince and Princess of Wales, which combines a campaign to tackle stigma and change the conversation on mental health with fundraising for a series of innovative new mental health services.
Home-Start UK Home-Start is a local community network of trained volunteers and expert support helping families with young children through their challenging times.
Hope Again:
Hope Again Hope Again is the youth website of Cruse Bereavement Support. It is a safe place where you can learn from other young people, how to cope with grief, and feel less alone. Hope Again offers information about services, a listening ear from other young people and advice for any young person dealing with the loss of a loved one.
(IPSEA) Independent Provider of Special Education Advice
IPSEA is the leading charity in the field of SEND law in England, providing free and independent legal advice, and supporting families of children and young people with SEND.
Just Youth:
Just Youth - Sandwell CSP Just Youth is the go to place for children and young people in Sandwell to find something to do, someone to talk to and somewhere to go. Designed with and for young people, providing advice, guidance and sign posting on a wide range of topics, and much more.
Karma Nirvana:
Karma Nirvana Karma Nirvana works to end Honour Based Abuse in the UK. The charity runs the national Honour Based Abuse Helpline, offering training to professionals, gathering data to inform policies and services, and also campaigns for change.
Help With Bullying | Bullying Advice | Kidscape Kidscape is a bullying prevention charity, supporting children, young people and families across England and Wales. Kidscape offers direct work with families, in school and in the community.
Home - Kooth Kooth is an online platform to help young people with their mental health and wellbeing. Young people can anonymously talk to other young people their own age on moderated discussion forums, and chat to mental health professionals via messaging. Kooth is an accredited digital health service, providing free services through the NHS.
Law Stuff: – LawStuff (run by Coram Children's Legal Centre) provides free legal information to children and young people both over the phone and online. You can contact Lawstuff by telephoning the Family Line: 0300 330 5480 (10am - 4pm Monday to Friday).
Life Pregnancy Care:
Contact - Life ( Life Pregnancy Care is a free listening and advice service, ensuring noone faces pregnancy related struggles alone. You can contact the support line by telephoning 0808 802 5433
Life Signs:
LifeSIGNS – the user-led self-injury small charity LifeSIGNS (Self-Injury Guidance & Network Support) is an online, user-led charitable organisation, founded in 2002 to create understanding about self-injury and provide information and support to people of all ages affected by self-injury across the UK.
The Local Offer
Dudley: Dudley's Local Offer is a one stop resource of information and services available to children and young people (aged 0-25) with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND), their parents, carers and families.
Sandwell: Sandwell Local Authority has produced, as required by law, a 'Local Offer' which sets out the support they expect to be available for children and young people in Sandwell with special educational needs and disabilities.
Welcome to Walsall's SEND Local Offer | Send Walsall's Local Offer is a directory of information and services available to children and young people (aged 0-25) with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND), their parents, carers and families.
Wolverhampton Local Offer | Wolverhampton Information Network Wolverhampton's Local Offer is the essential guide for children and young people with Special Educational Needs (aged 0-25 years) living in Wolverhampton.
Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA):
About us - Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency - GOV.UK ( The MHRA is the regulator of medicines, medical devices and blood components for transfusion in the UK. They put patients first in everything they do, right across the lifecycle of the products we regulate. Rigorously using science and data to inform decisions, enable medical innovation and to make sure that medicines and healthcare products available in the UK are safe and effective. You can learn more about the MHRA on the Government website.
Learning Disability - Down syndrome - Williams syndrome | Mencap Mencap offers free advice online through various resources, and through a UK helpline. The Mencap helpline and resource centre can be accessed by parents, carers, professionals and people with learning disabilities. You can contact the Mencap Information and Advice Line by telephoning 08088081111
Homepage - Mermaids ( supports trans, non-binary and gender-diverse children, young people and their families via raising awareness, tackling stigma, offering training to professionals on LGBTQ+, and providing a national helpline. You can contact the Mermaids Helpline by telephoning 08088010400
Home - Mind Mind is a UK charity, offering support, advice and guidance to anyone with a mental health struggle. You can find lots of helpful resources on Mind's website, and you can also contact the Mind Helpline by telephoning 0300 123 3393
The Mix:
The Mix - Essential support for under 25s The Mix offers one to one confidential support 24 hours 7 days a week for people young people under the age of 25 years. You can contact The Mix by texting THEMIX to 85258.
Muslims Youth Helpline:
Home - Muslim Youth Helpline ( Muslims Youth Helpline is a free, confidential helpline run by experienced call handlers aged 30 years and below. This helpline allows anyone within the Muslim Youth community to discuss any issues on a one to one basis, without judgement. You can contact the Muslims Youth Helpline by telephoning 0808 808 2008. The helpline is open from 4:00 PM – 10:00 PM, 365 days a year.
National Autistic Society:
National Autistic Society ( The National Autistic Society aims to break the stigma, to campaign for improved rights, to educate and empower people to create a more autism friendly world. There are lots of helpful resources available on their website for parents, carers and professionals.
National Bullying Helpline:
Information and advice about all forms of bullying ( The National Bullying Helpline is an organisation that provides support and advice to victims of bullying. . You can contact them by telephoning 0300 323 0169 or 0845 225 578712 (9am to 5pm Monday to Friday, and 10am to 12pm on Saturday)
National Domestic Abuse Helpline:
Homepage - National Domestic Abuse Helpline ( Anyone can contact the National Domestic Abuse Helpline to seek support. The freephone, 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline can be contacted by telephoning 0808 2000 247
National Tremor Foundation:
Home ( The National Tremor Foundation aims to provide help, support and advice to all those living with all forms of neurological tremor, including essential tremor and orthostatic tremor. You can find helpful resources on the National Tremor Foundation website, or by telephoning 01708 386399
NHS 111 Physical Health 24/7 Helpline:
Out of hours urgent physical health support telephone 111 (Option 1)
NHS 111 Mental Health 24/7 Helpline:
Out of hours urgent mental health support telephone 111 (Option 2)
No Panic:
Home - NoPanic No Panic is a UK charity offering advice, support and recovery programs for anyone living with phobia. You can contact No Panic by telephoning 0300 772 9844 (Everyday - 10am - 10pm)
NSPCC | The UK children's charity | NSPCC National Helpline to report child abuse. Contact the NSPCC Helpline 0808 800 5000 (10am - 6pm Monday to Friday), you can also contact the NSPCC via email by emailing
OCD Youth:
OCD Youth - OCD Action is a youth forum dedicated to children and young people with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
The Ollie Foundation:
The OLLIE Foundation - Suicide Prevention and Wellbeing Charity The Ollie Foundaton is a charity aiming to raise awareness of suicide prevention for children and young people. The charity campaigns and offers training to reduce the stigma and increase understanding of the mental health challenges for children and young people. You can contact the Ollie Foundation by telephoning the service information line on 07715 311 891
P3 Wolverhampton Street Outreach Team:
Wolverhampton Housing and Homeless Service - P3 ( P3 is a pathway service supporting people who are experiencing homelessness to access accommodation and move on to a stable, independent home. You can contact the Wolverhampton P3 Team by telephoning 01902 296451
Papyrus (Hopeline UK):
Papyrus UK Suicide Prevention | Prevention of Young Suicide Papyrus offers a confidential support service if you are struggling with suicidal thoughts, and information about how to make a safety plan. Papyrus (Hopeline UK) is available 24/7. Tel: 0800 068 4141 / 07860039967
Place 2 Be:
Improving children’s and young peoples mental health – Place2Be Place2Be is a children and young people's mental health charity with almost 30 years' experience working with pupils, families and staff in UK schools. You can contact Place2Be by telephoning 020 7923 5500
POhWER POhWER delivers information, advice, support and advocacy services throughout England. They aim to support people who face difficult issues and want to make their voice heard. All POhWER's services are free, independent and confidential. You can contact Pohwer by telephoning 0300 456 2370
The Proud Trust:
The Proud Trust - Home of LGBT+ Youth The Proud Trust offers one to one support for LGBTQ Youth community. You can find lots of helpful resources on the Proud Trust Website, you can also contact the Proud Trust by telephoning 01616603347
Home | Relate Relate offers various counselling services including relationship counselling, family counselling, mediation, children's counselling and young people's counselling. You can contact Relate by telephoning 0121 643 1638
Rethink Mental IllnessRethink are the leading expert charity for people with serious conditions like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The charity offers practical help guided by what works. You can contact the Rethink Advice Line by telephoning 0808 801 0525
Refuge, the largest UK domestic abuse organisation for women Refuge is the UK's largest Domestic Abuse organisation for women and children. You can contact Refuge any time of the day, or night by calling their 24/7 helpline on 0808 2000 247
Rights 4 Children:
Children’s rights in England – rights4children Rights 4 Children compiles information on laws affecting children and young people - to ensure families are empowered to know the rights of their children/young people. You can visit the Rights4Children website to find lots of helpful resources.
Runaway Helpline:
Homepage - Runaway Helpline Runaway Helpline is there if you are thinking about running away, if you have already run away, or if you have been away and come back. You can also contact the helpline if you are worried that someone else is going to run away, or if they are being treated badly or abused. You can contact the Runaway Helpline by telephoning (or texting) 116 000
Sandwell Advcacy:
Advocacy ( Sandwell Advocacy aims to help people within Sandwell have their voice heard. The Advocacy also works with Young Carers to ensure they are empowered to have greater control over their everyday lives. You can contact Sandwell Advocacy by telephoning 0121 520 8070
Sandwell Asian Family Support:
SAFS | Local Social Care & Windmill Community Centre ( provides a range of quality health and social care services in Sandwell, Birmingham and neighbouring boroughs. SAFS also manage the Windmill Community Centre. You can contact Sandwell Asian Family Support by telephoning 0121 558 2198
Sandwell Childrens Trust:
Welcome to Sandwell Children's Trust - Sandwell Children's Trust ( Sandwell Childrens Trust helps families and carers navigate support and systems relating to children and young people within Sandwell. Sandwell Childrens Trust can be contacted by telephoning 0121 569 3100
Sandwell Family Information:
Family Information Service Hub ( The Sandwell Family Information Service Hub is a directory, helping residents to find information on health, education, welfare and recreation services within the local area.
Samaritans | Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy | Here to listenThe Samaritans listening service is a confidential service, available 24/7. Tel: 116123 or email:
School Nurses - Dudley:
Dudley School Nurses ( The Dudley School Nursing Team is delivered by Shropshire Community Health, and offers a service to children and young people living in the Dudley Borough. You can contact the Dudley School Nursing Team by telephoning 01384 408990
School Nurses - Sandwell:
Sandwell School Nursing | Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust ( The Sandwell School Nursing team provides a consistent approach across the borough of Sandwell for children and young people age five to 19 attending school as well as those not attending school, those who are electively home educated and those attending alternative provisions across the authority. You can contact the Sandwell School Nursing Team by telephoning 0121 612 2974
School Nurses - Walsall:
School Nursing - Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust The service provides a nurse-led service to all children from the stage that they start in reception at school through to 19 years old. This includes support to children who are ‘Educated at Home’. You can contact the Walsall School Nursing Team by telephoning 01922 423349
School Nurses - Wolverhampton:
School Nursing Service | Wolverhampton Information Network School Nurses offer a service to pupils who attend the 109 schools in Wolverhampton that are State Funded, Academies, Free Schools, Special Schools and other educational establishments including Pupil Referral Units, Re-Entry sites, Educated at Home and the Youth Offending Team (YOT). You can contact the Wolverhampton School Nursing Team by telephoning 01902 441057
Self Injury Support:
Self Injury Support Self Injury Support focuses on improving support and knowledge around self-injury. You can telephone the Self Injury Support Line on 0808 800 8088 (Monday - Thursday 7pm - 10pm)
Home - Shelter England Shelter helps to campaign for the right for safe housing. Shelter offers support over the phone and online for housing issues and homelessness. You can contact Shelter by calling 0808 800 4444 (Monday-Friday 8am - 6pm)
Text SHOUT to 85258. Shout provides free, 24/7 text support for young people across the UK experiencing a mental health crisis. All texts are answered by trained volunteers, with support from experienced clinical supervisors.
Home - Sibs Sibs exists to support people who grow up with or have grown up with a disabled brother or sister. It is the only UK charity representing the needs of over half a million young siblings and over one and a half million adult siblings.
Sleep Foundation:
Sleep Advice, Mattress & Product Reviews | Sleep Foundation The Sleep Foundation hosts a variety of helpful resources online, to help people of all ages get better quality sleep.
Spurgeons Charity | Home Spurgeons deliver a wide range of services to help signpost, advise and assist families facing overwhelming challenges. Spurgeons offer support for Young Carers and support via hubs for Early Years.
stem4 - supporting teenage mental health Stem4 is the UK’s leading digital mental health charity for children and young people. We offer a suite of 5 evidence-based mental health apps that support various mental health conditions as well as digitally delivered mental health literacy programmes in schools. You can find lots of helpful resources on the Stem4 website.
Stonewall Stonewall stands for equality and the rights of all LGBTQ+ persons. You can contact Stonewall by emailing
Stop Hate UK:
Stop Hate UK is a leading national organisation working to challenge all forms of Hate Crime and discrimination, based on any aspect of an individual’s identity. You can contact Stop Hate UK by visiting:
Homepage | Switchboard Switchboard is the national LGBTQIA+ support line. For anyone, anywhere in the country, at any point in their journey. You can contact Switchboard by telephoning 0800 0119 100 (10am - 10pm everyday).
Talk Grief:
Home ( Talk Grief is powered by Winston’s Wish, the UK’s first childhood bereavement charity that helps children and young people (up to 25) find their feet after their worlds are turned upside down by grief. You can contact Talk Grief by telephoning 08088 020 021 between 8am-8pm, weekdays.
About - Taraki Taraki raises awareness of mental health and mental health support available for the Punjabi community. Taraki is not a clinial service, but focuses on raising awareness, increasing education and offering peer support for mental health. You can contact Taraki by emailing
Teen Sleep Hub:
Home - Teen Sleep Hub Teen Sleep Hub offers young people and their families lots of helpful online resources to promote guidance on good sleep. You can also contact the National Sleep Helpline Tel: 03303 530 541. The helpline is open between 7pm and 9pm Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and then 9am until 11am on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Tourettes Action Group:
Tourettes Action ( Tourettes Action works in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and is the leading support and research charity for people with Tourette Syndrome and their families. You can contact Tourettes Action by visiting the online query form: Contact Tourettes Action (
Victim Support:
Home - Victim Support Victim Support is an independent charity dedicated to supporting victims of crime and traumatic incidents in England and Wales. You can contact Victim Support by telephoning 08 08 16 89 111, or by using the web chat online.
Voice Ability:
VoiceAbility | Advocacy and involvement Voice Ability is one of the UK's largest chairities advocating for children and young people. You can contact Voice Ability by telephoning 0300 303 1660 or emailing
Voice Collective:
Voice Collective Voice Collective is a UK–wide project that supports young people who hear voices, see visions, or have other sensory experiences or beliefs. You can contact the Voice Collective via email:
Voice4Parents | SEND | Wolverhampton, UK ( Voice4Parents represents the views and voices of Parents and Carers of Children and Young People in Wolverhampton with SEND. Voice4Parents acts as a parent carer forum (not an individual advocate for children and young people). You can contact Voice4Parents via email:
The What? Centre:
The What? Centre Limited ( The What? Centre provides holistic mental health and well-being support to all young people in the Borough between 9 to 25 years old. The What? Centre can be contacted on 01384 379992 (Stourbridge) or 01384 885488 (Dudley)
Womens Aid:
Home - Black Country Womens Aid An independant charity helping survivors of domestic and sexual abuse. For urgent (out of hours) support, telephone 0121 552 6448, between Monda-Friday 9am -5pm telephone 0121 553 0090
Local Charity - YMCA Black Country Group ( The YMCA is a charity working with young people and their families to support with housing, employment, health/social care and childcare.
Youth Access:
Welcome to Youth Access | Youth Access Youth Access is the membership body for health services, empowering and campaigning with children and young people to ensure services are meeting the needs of the community
Young Minds:
YoungMinds | Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People | YoungMinds Young Minds offers support and guidance for parents/carers and children/young people - to ensure systems meet the needs of children and young people. Parents/carers, young people and professionals can access resources online, or support is available via the Parents Helpline Tel: 0808 802 5544 (Monday - Friday 9:30am - 4:00pm).