24/7 Mental Health Telephone Support Line:  Call NHS 111 :: Get Help Now

Urgent Help

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Contacting CAMHS in a Crisis


If you or a young person’s a person’s mental or emotional state gets worse quickly, it may become a mental health crisis. In this situation, it is important to get help quickly.

You can do one of these things:

If the emergency is related to a young person’s mental health then the CAMHS Crisis team can be contacted 08:00-20:00 hours

CAMHS Crisis Intervention & Home Treatment Team can be contacted by telephoning:

Sandwell: 07816075218

Wolverhampton: 07900226390

Dudley: 07435996296

Walsall: 07824565766

You can contact the 24/7 Mental Health Helpline, which is available to anyone of any age where there are urgent mental health problems. Contact the 24/7 Mental Health Helpline by telephoning NHS 111.

Follow any safety plan that has already been discussed and set up with you. Please also see our self-harm info and our suicidal thoughts info.

If you are not known to CAMHS, you can contact your GP for an emergency appointment.

Useful Resources and Helplines


24/7 Mental Health Telephone Support Tel: 111 (option 2)

Papyrus (HOPELINE UK): 0800 068 41 41

Young Minds: 02073 368 445 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Samaritans: 08457 909 090 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

MIND Information Line: 08457 660 163 (self-help books are also available)

Youth Access: 02087 729 900

BEAT: 08088010677 or www.beateatingdisorders.org.uk


If someone is in immediate risk of danger

If someone is at immediate risk of danger - It is important to keep yourself and others safe.

Call 999 and explain the situation, someone trained to help will talk you through this

If you are worried someone is being hurt

It is important to let trained people from Children’s Services know about any worries you may have so that they can support you and others involved. You may wish to have someone help you with this or ring the helplines below.

Wolverhampton – Telephone 01902 555392 or 552999

Sandwell – Telephone 0121 5693100

Dudley – Telephone 0300 555 0050

Walsall – Telephone 0300 555 2866

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